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Top 15 Foods rich in Calcium

Calcium is the second most abundant mineral in your body, but it plays an important role in your overall health. You can keep your calcium levels in check by eating dairy products, in addition to many other calcium food. Dairy is liable for a large portion of your bones, teeth, heart health, muscle function and nerve signaling. However, some people need more calcium, like adolescents, women who have recently gone through menopause, and elderly adults. The best sources of calcium include milk, cheese, yogurt, leafy green vegetables, seafood and many more other items.

Top 15 Foods rich in Calcium
Top 15 foods rich in calcium

Here are top 15 foods rich in calcium:

1. Cheese:

Most cheeses are great sources of calcium, with Parmesan cheese providing the most at 242 mg -19% of the Daily Dose (DV) per ounce of 28 grams. Softer cheeses, on the other hand, tend to contain less calcium. Your body absorbs calcium in dairy products much more easily than plant-based sources, and cheese also provides protein. One cup of cottage cheese contains 23 grams of protein. Ageing, hard cheeses also have a naturally low lactose content, making them easier for those with lactose intolerances.

Dairy products also has other health benefits, like dairy consumption may reduce the risk of heart disease. There are so many cheese-based dishes you can include in your daily meal, like cheese omelets, cheese quiches, cheese and egg dishes, and cheese-based sauces.

2. Yogurt:

Yogurt has a high calcium content, making it a great source for calcium. Many yogurt varieties also contain probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help boost your immune system, heart health and nutrient absorption. A cup of plain yogurt has 23% of your Daily Value (DV) for calcium, and also comprises of phosphorous, potassium, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12. A low fat yogurt contains 34% of your daily value (DV) in a cup. Regular yogurt consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of diabetes.

3. Milk:

Milk is also a great source of protein, vitamins A and D. One cup (237 ml) of cow's milk contains 306–325 mg of calcium, and goat's milk provides 327 mg. It depends on type of milk, whole or nonfat. The calcium in milk is well absorbed, and you can drink milk alone or with a low-sugar breakfast cereal or a milk-based snack like muesli. Even, you can also drink milk-based drinks like malted milk, a hot chocolate or a milkshake.

4. Seeds:

Seeds are packed with nutrients, and a lot of them are packed with calcium, like poppy seeds, sesame seeds, celery, chia seeds, and more. One tablespoon of poppy seeds has 127 mg of calcium that's 10% of the Daily Value. They're packed with protein and healthy fats, like chia seeds. One tablespoon of sesame seeds, you get 7% of your Daily Value. Nuts and seeds are a great source of calcium and other minerals like copper, iron, manganese, and more. However, you should incorporate them into your daily diet.

Seeds are packed with nutrients & calcium
Seeds are packed with nutrients & calcium

5. Almonds:

Almonds are very good sources of calcium of all nuts, and a single ounce (28 g) of almonds (about 23 g) provides 6% of total daily allowance (DV). They also contain 3.5 g of fiber in an ounce (28 g), and also they are a great source of healthy fats, proteins, magnesium and manganese. Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E. Eating nuts may help lower your blood pressure, reduce your body fat and reduce several other risk factors associated with metabolic disease.

6. Beans and lentils:

Beans are a great way to get your daily allowance (DV), and they're packed with fiber, protein, iron, zinc, folate and magnesium. Some varieties even have a decent amount of calcium, like winged beans. One cup of cooked winged beans has 244 mg of calcium - 19% of your DV - in just 172 grams. White beans are another good source - 12% of your DV in just one cup. A cup of cooked white lentils usually have less than 3% of your DV per cup - around 175 grams. Beans are also great for your health, they can help lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

7. Figs:

Dried figs are high in antioxidants and fiber, and are also more calcium-rich than other dried fruits. They are providing 5% of the Daily Value (DV) for calcium in a 40-gram (1.4 oz) serving. Figs also contain high amounts of potassium, and vitamin K, both have important micronutrients for bone health.

8. Some fruit, and vegetables:

Leafy greens are one of the healthiest vegetables, like collard greens, spinach and kale are high in calcium. For instance, cooked collard greens have 268 mg of calcium, which is about 21% of your daily calcium needs. Some leafy greens, like spinach, contain oxalates, and they are a naturally occurring compound that bind calcium and reduce its absorption. Therefore, it is essential to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables for good health & add to your daily calcium intake, like spinach, kale, collard and many more.

9. Sardines and canned salmon:

If you're looking for a calcium improvement, you can't go wrong with sardines or canned salmon. Sardines have edible bones that provide 27% of your daily allowance (DV), and canned salmon has 19% of DV. These oily fish are packed with high quality protein, omega-3s, and selenium, two minerals that can help protect against mercury toxicity. Sardines are a great choice for thrifty meals, like pasta dishes or toast, and canned salmon is a great accompaniment to salads or fishcakes.

10. Fortified foods:

Eating fortified foods like cereal can help you get your daily calcium fix. Some kinds of cereal can give you up to a thousand milligrams (or 100% of the Daily Value) of calcium per serving, and that's before you add milk. Be sure that your body can't take in that much calcium all at once, therefore it's best to spread it out over the day. Corn flour and cornmeal can also be fortified, that's why some bread, tortilla, and cracker are packed with calcium.

11. Fortified drinks:

Even if you don't drink milk, many fortified, non-dairy drinks contain calcium. For instance, a cup of fortified soy milk contains 23% of the Daily Dose (DV). With 6 grams of protein, soy milk is the most nutritionally similar to nondairy milk to cow's milk. Many types of nut and seed-based milk are fortified with even higher DVs. However, fortified milk is not exclusive to nondairy milk.

12. Edamame and tofu:

Edamame is a type of young soybean, and a cup (155 g) of boiled edamame contains 8% of total Daily Allowance (DDA) for calcium. It is also a great source of protein. Tofu is one of the best sources of folate, providing you with all the folate you need for your daily intake in one serving. Made with calcium, tofu contains exceptionally high amounts of calcium, with more than 66% of Daily Value (DV) for calcium in a half cup (126 g).

13. Whey protein:

Whey is a protein that's found in milk and has been studied for its health benefits. It's a great source of protein and has lots of amino acids that break down quickly, which helps your muscles grow and heal. Some studies have even said that eating a diet high in whey can help you lose weight and manage your blood sugar better. Plus, whey is super high in calcium - a 1.2 oz scoop of whey powder isolate has around 160 mg of it, which is 12% of the Daily Value.

14. Rhubarb:

Rhubarb has a high fiber content, vitamin K content, calcium content, and small amounts of other micronutrients. It is also rich in prebiotic fibers, which are fiber that can support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Rhubarb, like spinach, has a high oxalate content, which means that a large portion of the calcium in the plant is not absorbed by the body. Even though rhubarb absorbs very little calcium, it is still a calcium source. Raw rhubarb contains 105 mg calcium per cup of rhubarb (122 grams), or approximately 8% of your Daily Value (DV).

15. Amaranth:

Amaranth, a pseudocereal, is rich in folate and high in some minerals, like manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A & C. A cup (246 g) of boiled amaranth grain contains 116 mg calcium, which is 9% of the daily allowance (DV). Amaranth leaves contain 21% of the Daily Value (DV) for calcium for every cooked cup (132 g) of amaranth leaves.


How much calcium per day do I need?

The amount of calcium you need each day depends on the age and gender of the person. For example, if you’re an adult between the ages of 19 and 50, you’ll need around 1000 mg per day. On the other hand, if you are an adult over 50 or a woman over 50, you may need around 1200 mg per day to maintain good bone health.


Calcium maintain good bone health
Calcium maintain good bone health

What are the side effects of calcium tablets?

The most common side effects with calcium tablets, mainly when taken too much, include constipation, gas, and bloating. Occasionally, taking too much calcium without proper medical advice can cause kidney stones or prevent absorption of other minerals such as iron or zinc.



Calcium is a vital mineral that is important for many health conditions. Dairy products usually contain the most calcium, but there are many other good sources of calcium. Many of these sources are plant-based foods. You can easily get your calcium needs met by eating from the wide variety of foods listed in this article.

Calcium is essential for teeth and bones because it gives them strength and rigidity. Most people should be able to get enough calcium through healthy eating. Therefore, it is advised to have a healthy and nutritious diet.



Which fruits are high in calcium?

Fruits don't usually have as much calcium as dairy or leafy greens do, but there are a few that do. Fig, orange, and blackberries are all good sources of calcium. Just keep in mind that they have less calcium than other food groups.

What are some plant-based sources of calcium?

If you're looking for calcium, there are lots of plant-based sources you can get it from, like dark leafy green veggies like kale, broccoli or bok choy. You can also get it from legumes like chickpeas or lentils. Plus, if you're looking to add some calcium to your diet, there are plenty of plant-based foods you can eat that are high in calcium, like tofu, almonds and chia seeds. And if you're looking for a way to get more calcium, fortified vegan milk is a great option.

Dairy products contain the most calcium
Dairy products contain the most calcium

Are there any dairy-free options for calcium-rich foods?

If you're looking for a way to get your calcium fix without dairy, there are lots of vegan dairy-free alternatives out there, like soy milk and almond milk. Plus, you can get calcium-boosted tofu, green veggies, beans, and nuts.

How can I incorporate more calcium into my diet?

In order to increase calcium intake, it is recommended to include dairy products in one's diet, such as milk and cheese, as well as yogurt. Moreover, it is beneficial to supplement one's diet with plant-based foods, such as leafy greens and tofu, in addition to fortified vegan milk alternatives. To further increase calcium intake, one can add calcium-enriched toppings and ingredients to their meals, including sesame seeds and almonds, as well as canned fish such as sardines.

What are the health benefits of consuming calcium-rich foods?

Calcium helps your bones and teeth stay strong and healthy. Calcium is also important for muscle function and nerve signaling, as well as blood clotting.

Are there any calcium-rich foods suitable for vegans?

Vegans can benefit from a variety of foods that are rich in calcium. Examples of such foods include fortified vegan milk alternatives, such as soy or almond milk, as well as tofu and tempeh. Other fortified plant-based foods include plant-based yogurt, leafy green vegetables, and other leafy green vegetables.

Can you provide a list of calcium-rich foods for lactose-intolerant individuals?

If you're lactose intolerant, try to eat foods that are high in calcium but low in lactose. Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, almonds, and sesame seeds are good options. You can also try tofu, fortified plant milk like soy or almond milk, canned fish with bones like sardines, and even orange juice that's fortified with calcium.

What is calcium phosphorus, and why it is important to you?

Calcium phosphorous is a compound made up of calcium and phosphorous. It's really important for keeping your bones and teeth strong because it's part of the structure of your bones. Plus, it's really important for how your body works - like how you use energy, how your nerves work, and how your blood's pH is balanced. So, making sure you get enough calcium in your diet is really important for your overall health and bones. 

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